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No matter what the item is, it will not be as new as it will be used for a long time, it will cause wear and stains, and thechicken cage equipmentis no exception. The chicken cage is the main equipment of the farm and is the place where the chickens live for a long time. After a long time, the residual feces of the chickens, the remaining feed will produce stains, and the farmers will clean and maintain the cages to ensure the service life. What should we use to maintain and clean it?

1. Maintenance ofchicken battery cagesand additional equipment:

Modern poultry farm equipment for chickens can give your poultry farming industry a good feature.

In normal use, we try not to pull, smash and close the door too hard, so as to avoid the collision of this material. When feeding, we try not to leave the feed around the cage of the cage, and do not use liquid to soak it, so as to better protect its appearance. When it is not necessary to clean, do not disassemble or wash with water. Because we have regular maintenance arrangements, we only need to use it in the right way on weekdays.

2. Cleaning of the cage:

This type of mesh galvanized cage is usually not easily scratched or bumped. Only some chicken feathers, feed, chicken cockroaches and other sundries will be attached during use. It may be crusted and harder after a long time. Then we need to disassemble, rinse with water, do not use a hard brush to rub, rinse after soaking, soak the dirt soft, then rinse with water. No cleaning agents are required during this process to avoid corrosion of the material.

Now that so much is introduced, farmers must have an understanding of how to clean and maintain chicken cages. Then in the usual use, disassembly, cleaning process, must be carried out according to the requirements, once the violation of the operation, it will cause damage to the material itself, it can not effectively improve its service life.

I hope that the above description can help farmers.