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There are too many chickens in the same place. If the chicken manure in the chicken house is not handled in time, the chicken house is too stinky and it is easy to cause the chicken in thelayer chicken cage, no matter what size and size of chicken you are. Households, as long as the breeding density is large, a group of chickens will be in a chicken house, which will produce various gases, and then it is easy for the chicken to have respiratory diseases. So how should I handle chicken manure?


Adding 1%~2% charcoal slag to the chicken diet can make the feces dry and the odor is reduced. Adding 2%~5% charcoal, activated carbon, cinder, quicklime, etc. has a strong adsorption effect, and these have adsorption The material is loaded into the net bag and suspended in the house, or sprinkled on the ground to absorb the odor in the air. Hydrogen peroxide, potassium permanganate, copper sulfate, acetic acid, etc. have a deodorizing effect; spray with 2% benzoic acid or 2% acetic acid


10 kilograms of superphosphate is used per 100 square meters of ground in the house, and it is sprinkled on the ground litter, usually once every 15 days. The superphosphate reacts with the ammonia gas produced in the chicken manure to form an odorless solid ammonium phosphate salt, which can reduce the emission of ammonia in the feces and reduce the odor of the house. The house is mixed with 5 kg of sulfur per 100 square meters of ground, mixed into the litter, maintain the appropriate humidity, and clean the litter every 15 days. The sulphur is mixed into the litter to make the pH of the litter less than 7.0, which can inhibit the generation and emission of ammonia in the feces, reduce the ammonia content in the air of the house, and reduce the odor of ammonia.

Using a 0.3% peracetic acid solution, 30 ml per cubic meter of space, spray the house and chicken body with a sprayer 1-2 times a week. Peracetic acid can form ammonium acetate with ammonia gas, which not only disinfects and prevents chickens, but also improves the air quality of the house and reduces the harmful gas content.

The above are a few small ways to deodorize thechicken cages for sale. I hope that the farmers can help the chickens in the chicken cage to have a healthy environment.