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Spring is the golden season for hatching chicks, and it is also a good time for chickens to sell well. How do you incubate chickens using achicken cage equipment? When the chicken hatches, the temperature, humidity, ventilation, egg turning and cooling eggs should be strictly controlled according to the development of the embryo.

I. Humidity Maintain the relative humidity of the room is 60%-65%; the relative humidity of the incubator is 55%-60%; the relative humidity of the hatcher is 65%-70%.


2. Temperature incubation room, incubation room temperature is maintained at about 25 °C; egg surface temperature is maintained at around 39 °C in the early incubation period; should be maintained at 37.5-38 °C in the late incubation period; the temperature of the hatcher is generally controlled between 36-37 °C should.

3. Turn the egg. In order to heat the parts of the eggs evenly and maintain the normal development of the embryos, the eggs should be turned on time. The fire pit is hatched, and the egg can be turned every 4 hours; the machine hatches, and it is turned over every 2 hours. The angle of the egg is 90 degrees.

4. Ventilation. While maintaining normal temperature and humidity, pay attention to frequent ventilation and keep the air in the room or incubator fresh.

5. Cool eggs. After 12-13 days of incubation, the cold egg should be timed 2 times a day, so that the heat generated by the fetus in the egg is released in time to prevent “natural” death. The temperature of the cool egg should be about 36 °C, that is, when it is connected with the human skin, it can be warm and not cool.